Tutor Profile

Xi Xi (2262)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 744
  • Last updated on 05 Aug 18
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Good
  • Small Group
Tuition Areas [...]
Choa Chu Kang, Bukit Panjang, Yew Tee
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
-top graduate student at Caltech, the No. 1 grad. school in U.S.
-top Physics student in sec school and RJC
-passionate about teaching
-patient and caring
-responsible, results-orientated
Education [...]
  • California Institute of Technology (2013-2015)
    • Master's Degree in Scienc - A
  • Crescent Girls' School (2005-2006)
    • A-maths - A1
    • E-maths - A1
    • Physics - A2
    • Chemistry - A2
    • Chinese - A1
    • Higher Chinese - A1
    • Combined Hum - A1
    • Chinese lit - A1
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - A Maths Chemistry E Maths Physics Physics/Chem 
  • International Baccalaureate - Chemistry Further Math Mathematics Physics 
  • University Entry Exams - SAT1 Mathematics 
Commitment / Other Details
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken
  • Secondary 1 Science Focus Physics first tuition - May 17
  • Secondary 3 A Maths tuition - Jul 16
  • Secondary 3 Physics tuition - Jun 16
  • Primary 5 Mathematics tuition - May 16
  • Secondary 3 A Maths & Physics tuition - May 16
  • Secondary 4 A Maths tuition - Apr 16
  • Secondary 4 E Maths & Chemistry (Combine Chemistry) tuition - Apr 16
  • Primary 4 Mathematics tuition - Apr 16
  • Secondary 2 English & Mathematics & Science ( NA stream) tuition - Apr 16
  • Secondary 2 Science tuition - Apr 16
  • Junior College 1 Maths tuition - Apr 16
  • Primary 3 Mathematics tuition - Mar 16
Small group tuition
  • Secondary 3 Physics-Physics intensive O-level program
    Course Description:
    The aim of this class is to offer tutees a thorough learning program for physics. It will be a weekly 1.5hr-session to learn Sec 3 topics and some Sec 4 topics in advance.

    We will cover the key concepts in each topic and do past school exam papers together. Materials to be used are O-level questions and past year school papers which will be provided for free for the tutees.

    I specialize in physics tuitions and have helped my tutees to improve their grades from fail to A1!

    "I got my results back and i improved a lot! from 12/100 last year to 68/100 :D Thanks for helping me!!" ----current tutee, Celine

    Other Details:
    Max Class Size:
    Hong San Walk
    01 hr 30 mins
    Sat 09:00 am Sat 10:45 am
    Price per Month:
    With Friend:
    Student Admitted: