Tutor Profile

Chua Yi Fang Vivian (18248)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 316
  • Last updated on 25 Nov 18
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Sengkang, Punggol
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
Only tutor-ed a few times(my nephew and juniors) but because of my love for mathematics, I'll always make sure that they know and understand the concept instead of plainly memorising formulas. Mathematics can be fun and practicing makes perfect.
Education [...]
  • Serangoon Junior College (2012-2013) Verified
    • General Paper - C
    • Project Work - B
    • Chinese - B
    • Chemistry - A
    • Mathematics - A
    • Physics - B
    • Economics - C
  • Compassvale Secondary School (2008-2011) Verified
    • English - B3
    • Chinese - B3
    • Additional Mathematics - A1
    • Elementary Mathematics - A2
    • Combined Physics Chemistr - A1
    • Combined Geography Social - B3
    • Design and Technology - B3
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Higher Maths Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - A Maths E Maths Physics/Chem 
  • Junior college level - Maths 
Commitment / Other Details
I am able to start after March and as for commitment, I will definitely do my best to aid the student till the end of the year, at the very least.
Rapport Building
I will treat my students as my friends and also speak in laysman terms, meaning avoiding the technical terms and explaining in a way such that they will understand also, giving analogies for comparison. With analogies, it will be more fun for the students to learn subjects and also, they will remember it better. I will put myself in their shoes and explain in the way that I would want people to explain to me.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I will definitely check the MOE syllabus and also googling for more notes to keep myself updated. As we all know, education never end. I will definitely google for more in-depth information regarding the topics.
As a Good Tutor
I think that good tutor should possess the qualities of being understanding, patience, ability to turn boring and content heavy information to interesting facts and knowledge for the students and also responsible and having the passion to teach.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken
  • Junior College 1 Maths tuition - Aug 16
  • Secondary 5 E Maths & Physics/Chem tuition - Apr 16