Tutor Profile

Ms Lim (18244)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 229
  • Last updated on 19 Dec 16
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Choa Chu Kang, Bukit Panjang, Central (City)
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
Currently working as a relief teacher at a local secondary school - specialising in Principle of Accounts.
Although I graduated years ago, I am familiar with the new POA syllabus.
Always enjoyed mathematics so I am sure that I will be able to teach students effectively and help them develop interest towards mathematics.
Education [...]
  • Catholic Junior College (2014-2015)
    • General Paper - -
    • H2 Mathematics - -
    • H2 Physics - -
    • H2 Chemistry - -
    • H1 History - -
  • West Spring Secondary School (2010-2013)
    • English - A2
    • Chinese - A1
    • Elementary Mathematics - A2
    • Principle of Accounts - A2
    • Combined Humanities (Soci - B3
    • Higher Chinese - B3
    • Additional Mathematics - B3
    • Pure Physics - B3
    • Pure Chemistry - B4
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Mathematics 
  • Lower secondary level - English Mathematics 
  • Upper secondary level - A Maths Accounting E Maths English 
  • University Entry Exams - SAT1 Mathematics 
  • Music - Piano - Theory (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), Practical (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Leisure)
Commitment / Other Details
Currently working as a relief teacher and waiting for my 'A' level results, so my schedule is quite flexible.
Able to start the tuition assignment any time.

Preferred timings for tuition:
Monday - Thursday :
Any time between 3pm - 10pm

Specific timing can be discussed once assignment is confirmed.
Rapport Building
I will track student's progress for every lesson and update parents timely. I will also let parents know of my plans for students so that we can help the student in achieving his/her best in academics.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
On the first lesson, I will check with the student and learn more about the curriculum taught in school. I will then devise an effective plan that aligns closely with the curriculum so that the student can learn from me without feeling that it is too different from what is taught in school.
As a Good Tutor
I believe it is important to engage students and make them feel interested towards a subject, before they can really put in effort and do well in it. Hence, I will do my best to help the student develop an interest towards that subject. That way, subsequent tuition sessions will be more productive if student is more interested and focused.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken