Tutor Profile

azlinah noor (16848)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 1313
  • Last updated on 06 Aug 19
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Good
  • Small Group
Tuition Areas [...]
Hougang, North East, Kallang/Whampoa, Pasir Ris, Potong Pasir, Punggol, Sengkang, Serangoon, Tampines/Simei, Buangkok, Kovan, Boon Keng, Farrer Park, Woodleigh
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have 9 years of tutoring experience for Primary Mathematics, Science, English, Maths and Secondary E. Mathematics, A. Mathematics, English, Science and Malay in group and one-to-one situations.
Education [...]
  • University of London (2007-2010) Verified
    • BSc Banking & Finance - Second Upper Honours
  • CEDAR GIRLS (2001-2004) Verified
    • ENGLISH - B3
    • MATHS - A2
    • A MATHS - B3
    • MALAY - A2
    • H MALAY - A2
    • CHEMISTRY - B4
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Higher Malay Higher Maths Malay Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - English Higher Malay Malay Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - E Maths Malay 
Commitment / Other Details
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Yes, able to handle special needs children
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Aug 19
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jul 19
  • Primary 5 Mathematics & Science tuition - Apr 19
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Mar 19
  • Primary 3 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Mar 19
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Nov 18
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jul 18
  • Secondary 1 English & Mathematics & Science Sec 3 Math tuition - Jan 17
  • Secondary 1 English & Mathematics tuition - Dec 16
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 16
  • Secondary 2 English & Mathematics Normal Technical tuition - Nov 16
  • Primary 1 English & Mathematics & Malay tuition - Oct 16
  • Primary 6 Mathematics & Science tuition - Aug 16
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Aug 16
  • Secondary 1 Mathematics & Science N.A. tuition - Aug 16
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science P6 M&S tuition - Jul 16
  • Secondary 2 English & Science tuition - Sep 15
  • Primary 5 Malay Pr2 Malay tuition - Jun 15
  • Primary 5 Malay tuition - Jun 15
Small group tuition
  • Primary 6 Malay
    Course Description:
    Materials provided.
    Focus on student's weak areas.
    Other Details:
    Max Class Size:
    hougang avenue 3
    00 mins
    Sat 09:00 am
    Price per Month:
    With Friend:
    Student Admitted: