Tutor Profile

Ernest Lee (14387)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 402
  • Last updated on 08 Sep 20
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, Clementi/West Coast, Serangoon
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I am a part-time tutor studying at NUS FASS.

I have given private tuition for P5 English, P6 Science, and S5 English.

I also have MOE relief teaching experience for S3 and S5 Physics.
Education [...]
  • Anderson Junior College (2012-2013)
    • H2 Mathematics - B
    • H2 Physics - B
    • H2 Chemistry - C
    • H1 Economics - A
    • General Paper - C
    • Project Work - A
  • Ang Mo Kio Secondary School (2008-2011)
    • Mathematics - A1
    • Additional Mathematics - A1
    • Chinese - A1
    • Higher Chinese - A2
    • English - A2
    • Physics - A2
    • Chemistry - B3
    • Biology - A2
    • Combined Humanities (Geog - A2
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Chinese English Higher Chinese Higher Maths Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - Chinese English Geography Mathematics Science Social Studies 
  • Upper secondary level - A Maths Bio/Chem Biology Chemistry Chinese E Maths English Physics Physics/Chem 
  • Music - Piano - Theory (Beginner, Intermediate), Practical (Beginner, Intermediate, Leisure)
Commitment / Other Details
Flexible with timing during this term break (may - july).
May have to reschedule after term starts in august.
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
I have a cheerful and patient personality and great communication skills. Therefore, tuition lessons would be effective and enjoyable! Being perceptive and understanding, I am able to recognise and correct students' specific areas of weakness (whether in terms of studying habits or conceptual errors, etc). I believe in building good rapport with students and giving them constant encouragement and motivation.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Yes, willing to accept below average rate
Handle Special Needs Children?
Yes, able to handle special needs children
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Feb 16