Tutor Profile

P.Tamilmanee (14329)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 853
  • Last updated on 30 Jan 19
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Good
Tuition Areas [...]
Yishun, North, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, Braddell
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I am dedicated to helping students achieve their maximum potential! I have 3 years of experience tutoring English at primary and secondary levels, 2 year of experience tutoring GP.
Am keen to tutor English at all levels, O level Physics, H1 General Paper (GP), H2 English Language and Linguistics (ELL) and H2 Chemistry at tertiary (JC) level.
Education [...]
  • Raffles Junior College (2010-2011) Verified
    • General Paper - A
    • English Language and Ling - B
  • Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) (2006-2009) Verified
    • English - A
    • Physics - A
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Higher Maths Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - English History Mathematics Science Social Studies 
  • Upper secondary level - English Physics 
  • Junior college level - Chemistry General Paper 
  • Music - Piano - Theory (Beginner), Practical (Beginner, Leisure)
Commitment / Other Details
I can start asap. Long Term assignments preferred. Am currently tutoring full-time.
Rapport Building
I strongly believe that every child has a particular positive quality they already possess. I try to build on these strengths that the child already has to enable them to excel academically.

Learning is not necessarily boring or always book-based. A lot of the time I find that students understand better with real life examples. I try to incorporate this as well so that concepts and formulas are more memorable.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
Online resources.
As a Good Tutor
Responsible, Reliable, Dedicated.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
"Tamilmanee is very good and well discipline." - Ms Elaine Peh
Assignments Taken
  • Secondary 3 English tuition - Jul 14
  • Secondary 1 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jul 14
  • Primary 2 English tuition - Mar 14
  • Primary 3 English & Mathematics Primary levels tuition - Jan 14
  • Secondary 4 English tuition - Jan 14