Tutor Profile

Kwek Ming Sheng (14177)

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  • Views: 256
  • Last updated on 30 May 17
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Sengkang, Potong Pasir, Buangkok
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have managed to coach my younger brother in his academics thus far. I am ascertain that I can deliver my knowledge and allow the student to develop a stronger grasp of the topic.
Education [...]
  • St. Andrew's Junior College (2010-2011)
    • Chemistry - A
    • Mathematics - A
    • Economics - A
    • Biology - B
    • General Paper - E
    • Project Work - B
  • St. Andrew's Secondary School (2006-2009)
    • English - B3
    • Combined Humanities - B3
    • Chinese - B3
    • Elementary Mathematics - A1
    • Additional Mathematics - A1
    • Chemistry - A2
    • Biology - A1
    • Physics - A2
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Science 
  • Lower secondary level - Mathematics 
  • Upper secondary level - Biology Chemistry E Maths 
  • Junior college level - Chemistry 
Commitment / Other Details
As of now I am only able to begin during the weekends. The timings over the weekends can be re-arranged.
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
I believe that apart from guiding the student, to be a tutor, it requires patience. This is to teach at a pace that the student is comfortable, in order to attain higher retention in knowledge. Furthermore, it is essential that a tutor places him or her in the shoes of the child. This would be the way which the tutor understands areas that the child fails to comprehend. I feel that being a proficient tutor, helping the child understand the concepts would be imperative to attaining good results.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken