Tutor Profile

Adeline Chang See Mun (13809)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 284
  • Last updated on 18 Jun 14
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have had experience tutoring students of all ages in various subjects: primary level mathematics, 'O' level physics and 'A' level physics, chemistry and economics. As a fervent music lover, I wish to impart the same love for music into others by branching into piano teaching!
Education [...]
  • Hwa Chong Junior College (2010-2011)
    • General Paper - A
    • Mathematics - A
    • Physics - A
    • Chemistry - A
    • Economics - A
  • Nanyang Girls' High School (2006-2009)
    • Physics - A1
    • Biology - A1
    • Chemistry - A1
    • Integrated Mathematics - A1
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English 
  • Lower secondary level - English 
  • Upper secondary level - English 
  • Junior college level - Chemistry Economics 
  • University Entry Exams - SAT1 Critical Reading 
  • Music - Piano - Theory (Beginner, Intermediate), Practical (Beginner, Intermediate)
Commitment / Other Details
I can start lessons with one week's notice; classes are available on Wednesday afternoons and negotiable timeslots on Saturdays. These can take place either in my home along Upper Bukit Timah, or at the tutee's place if in the West, as the tutee prefers.
Rapport Building
I am friendly and outgoing and enjoy interacting with my tutees, asking them questions about their likes and interests in order to engage them. With younger children, I also like giving little tidbits in order to build rapport.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
Accept Below Average Rate?
Yes, willing to accept below average rate
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken