
Why More Students Are Opting For The Poly Path?

by James Tang (4606 views)
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As the years pass, the Ministry of Education has noticed a larger percentage of students opting to go towards the polytechnic path instead of the Junior College path. Although the usual argument is that more and more students are finding the education standards to be increasingly difficult, there seems to be more than meets the eye when it comes to choosing the polytechnic life. Here are some of the reasons why more students are now opting for a different path and hopefully you’ll be able to make a more informed decision, especially for the younger readers out there.

Paradigm Shifts In Perspective

From recent trends, the education system has taken towards a less stringent structure when it comes to deciding one’s career. An increased awareness of children and schools towards pursuing a subject they enjoy as opposed to following blindly has resulted in many students opting to study in a polytechnic because they get to choose their desired courses. The offshoot seems to come from the internet and an increasing fight for children to be allowed to follow their dreams as well as the idea that jobs are never secure. Children now aim to be for what they love instead of blindly aiming to be doctors and lawyers and parents are no longer afraid of their children failing in school because “exam results are not everything”.

Practicality of A Diploma

Gone are the days where people need to secure a university degree in order to secure a high paying job. Since the number of university graduates is increasingly rising, it has resulted in a mindset amongst graduates and pre-graduates that having a university degree is no longer relevant. As a result, greater focus is being placed towards having experience as opposed to credentials which are why students opt to do only the bare minimum. Diplomas are a great way for students to land a job immediately after graduating from poly where they can build their portfolios and skills. This can be true as you’ll be 4 years ahead of your peers that go to university in terms of experience and various companies around the world do value experience more than credentials.

Increase In Number Of Students Admitted To A Local University

The old thinking was that going to poly would reduce one’s chances of getting into a local university. This comes of course, as a fact because after all, 70 per cent of students attending junior college go on to enroll in local universities. However, in recent years, there has been a rising trend of polytechnic graduates that have managed to secure a slot in our local Us. Up to one-third of university students that were admitted last year was, in fact, a polytechnic graduate. As such, students no longer feel the pressure to go to junior colleges just to enter University.


JC life is similar to secondary and primary school, with lessons and CCAs dictated by timetables and students being compelled to attend classes on a daily basis save for the weekends. Polytechnics, although in no way slacker, appears to be less stressful because students have less intensive timetables. On days where they are off, they spend their time working on assignments and studying for tests and that autonomy is highly valued amongst students.