
The Benefits of Different Yoga

by James Tang (1219 views)
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Although it has been known that yoga brings across vast amounts of benefits to the body, the different methodologies and schools of yoga around the world has largely evolved, bringing different benefits and effects to people from all walks of life. You could use this article as a guide to understanding your needs and how the various types of yoga can aid in improving your quality of life.

Hatha Yoga

The one branch of yoga that has been widely popularised in western civilisation, Hatha yoga utilises physical postures in order to supplement the harmony in one’s body. Most schools of yoga branch out from Hatha Yoga and is a great way for beginners to start practicing the art form. With Hatha yoga, participants are able to improve their way of life due to the mindfulness involved during the exercises. Along with the physical movements involved in Hatha yoga, participants find themselves imbued with higher energy levels, increased muscle tone, improved blood circulation and overall better health.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga, an offshoot of the traditional Hatha yoga first began in 1970s. Most popularly known as “Hot Yoga”, Bikram yoga is a unique form of the art that requires practitioners to sit in a heated room up to 40 °C with a humidity of 40% where they would practise postures and breathing exercises. This particular style of yoga requires the teacher to be certified from Choudhury and the teachers are then subsequently encouraged to develop their teaching skills as they gain experience.

Health effects of Bikram yoga mainly arise from the increased heat in the surroundings which claim to detoxify your body and increase flexibility. In addition, the specially cultivated 26 postures or asanas each boasts of individual benefits such as toning of certain muscles, improving flexibility in the body or cleansing of the organs.

Kundalini Yoga

This particular school of yoga influenced by Shaktism and Tantra focuses on releasing the spiritual energy or “Kundalini” located at the spine’s base and in turn transcend from one’s being. Practitioners of Kundalini Yoga aim to liberate oneself from the grasp of Karma and in turn discover their life’s purpose. Aside from the usual benefits that come with yoga such as increased flexibility, core strength and stress alleviation, Kundalini yoga focuses on more mental benefits for the user. More often than not, Kundalini aims to benefit the user by creating awareness in their lives and providing inner guidance. If you require more mental benefits, Kundalini Yoga might be the one for you.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Otherwise known in short form as Ashtanga Yoga, it is a modern variation of the ancient yoga philosophy that focusses on yoga breathing techniques along with intense stretching and gymnastic exercises. Not to be confused with “Power Yoga”, Ashtanga Yoga is great for people that want to increase their flexibility and strength, as the core exercises requires both to be adequately capable. If you’re in for a challenge, go for Ashtanga Yoga as they are often very rigorous in terms of training and are great for people hoping to give their body a good workout!