
Impressive Benefits of Kale

by Melissa Spicer (1792 views)
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Hailed a nutritional powerhouse, kale is growing in popularity as more and more people look for clean eating alternatives that let them bone up on vitamins and nutrients that their bodies need for optimal performance and disease resistance. Kale is the number one healthiest vegetable you can eat, according to nutritionists. It has no fat, it's high in fiber, low in calories, packed with iron, and nutritionally dense. The accolades just never seem to stop. 

Kale Versus Beef

Based on calorie count, kale has more iron per calorie than beef; because of this, kale is a good option for vegans and vegetarians who find their diets lacking in iron. Iron is a fundamentally necessary for good health. Without it, your body can't properly transport the oxygen that it needs to its various organs and systems. Your body also needs it for proper functioning of the liver and cell division.

Vitamin K Superfood

It has long been thought that eating a diet high in vitamin K can ward off several types of cancer. Kale is a rich source of this vitamin, which also promotes optimal bone health and blood clotting. It may also help improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. 


When it comes to antioxidant power, kale really delivers. Like vitamin K, antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenoids, provide protection from cancer by helping reduce free radical damage and promote healthy cell development. 

Vitamin A

Bone up on kale to improve the look of your skin. Vitamin A may reduce the signs of aging and premature wrinkling. In addition, it may reduce your chance of developing oral cavity or lung cancers. 


Calorie-for-calorie, kale offers more calcium for your diet than milk. Calcium helps prevent the loss of bone as you age, so you can stave off osteoporosis and age-related bone damage. Calcium also supports normal metabolism and flexibility of the joints and cartilage. 

Ways to Add Kale to Your Diet

Kale is super versatile, so there's lots of ways to incorporate it into your diet. Add it to your salad, or use it to make kale chips. Toss a handful or two into your vegetable soup, or chop it into bits and put it in your hamburgers when you make them into patties. You can also add kale to a green smoothie for a huge nutrient boost.