
How To Better Judge A Want Or Need In Life

by James Tang (4999 views)
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Estimated reading time: 1.5 minutes

Everyone has that moment as a child where they would throw a tantrum just because they wanted to have that toy or snack in the departmental store. But when we transition into an adult, that doesn’t go away. Instead, we are faced with this desire deep within us that is secretly throwing a tantrum and the only way to ease that feeling within ourselves is to simply buy the item. Being a judge of a want or need can be a really tough thing in life, especially when we are suddenly granted purchasing power. Today, we’ll be showing you some ways as to how you can be a better judge of a want or need your life and stop that unnecessary spending.


A need is simple. It’s the very things that every single person needs in order to stay alive. Although this could vary very slightly from person to person, the base ideas are around the same: Food, shelter, water and maybe clothes. These things are only truly the most important needs that anyone in the world has, and even then, the quality and quantity of each are different for everyone. As long as you have sufficient of each of the following, then having any more would just qualify as a want.

Necessary Needs That Are Not Exactly Wants

These are needs that fall into a grey area and are unique to the circumstances of each individual. For some, their job may require that they have a vehicle and as such possessing a vehicle is imperative for their survival. Separately, you may be suffering from a severe form of acne, and thus may require a strong form of medication like Accutane to keep it under control. Will it cost a lot? Sure, but if you deem it necessary for both your confidence levels and self-esteem, then this would be a need for you.


With that being said, everything else would be considered a want once they fit into the above two categories. The truth is you once you start to rationalise and come out with reasons as to why you should buy something, it probably is just a want. Instead, try to come out with reasons as to why you should not buy that item. If you have at least one reason why, then you don’t have to get the item. Doing this is hard, but it is necessary, especially if you want to develop a good sense of financial responsibility. Make the change today and you will not regret the positive values that you develop.