
5 Unconventional Ways to Take Advantage of Your SkillsFuture Credits

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Launched in 2015, the SkillsFuture initiative is a government-led programme that aims to empower Singaporeans by helping them embrace their love of learning and provide them with opportunities to upskill and advance their careers. Under the scheme, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are provided with SGD 500 worth of training credits. In 2021, more than 247,000 Singaporeans used their credits to upskill themselves, bringing the total number of people who have used the program to 660,000. Still, there are plenty of others who have yet to use their credits by signing up for a course. 


If you haven’t used your credits yet, it’s important to note that they will expire by 2025. Now is the best time to find a set of SkillsFuture courses Singapore companies will want to see on your resume, especially if you’re planning to change employers or to shift to a new career. That said, even if you have other plans or strategies for advancing in your chosen profession, you can still use your credits to take courses that will improve your professional and personal pursuits. Here are some of the unconventional ways to take advantage of your SkillsFuture credits. 


Pick Up a New Skill That Will Make Your Life Easier


Are you keen on eating well and living a healthier lifestyle? Perhaps you want to become more proficient in cooking in order to prepare nutritious meals for your family? If this is the case, then how about using your credits to take a cooking class? There are plenty of course options available on SkillsFuture, and you’re sure to find one that caters to your current skill level and will help you improve from there. In addition to cooking, there are many other practical courses in the program that you can use in your daily life, such as urban farming systems, electrical systems maintenance, and pet grooming and care. 


Learn a New Language and Prepare to See More of the World


Singapore is a multicultural country, and many of its residents speak more than one language. According to research, multilingual people have an easier time adding a new language to their repertoire. Care to put this to the test? There are plenty of language courses included in the SkillsFuture programme, and you can choose a language that you’ll find useful in the office, when you travel to new places, or in your business dealings. Perhaps travelling to another country and knowing the language that the people there use by heart will help you make the most of your trip and enable you to develop a deeper appreciation for different societies and cultures. 

Apply Data Analytics to Your Personal Projects and Concerns


Knowing how to analyse data is a highly marketable skill in the digital era – and it’s also quite useful for many real-life situations. If you’re a commuter or a frequent traveller, for example, you can use data analytics to determine which route will take you to your desired location as soon as possible while keeping transportation costs at a minimum. You can also use this skill to optimise your shopping experience, to organise logistics and delivery services, to manage your budget, or even to keep track of your child’s progress in school. Of course, it’s always a good skill to have if you have a business, if you’re thinking of applying to a company with a data-driven business, or if you’re in the running for a higher position in your current workplace. 

See Better Ways to Present Yourself on Digital Platforms


Like it or not, social networking is here to stay. No matter if you just want to meet new people, connect with your real-life friends, or promote your business, social media platforms offer you a convenient way to do just that. Perhaps you want to maximise the use of this tool for your personal and business endeavours? If that’s the case, you can take an online photography course or editing classes to make sure that your photos are all professional-looking. A communications course, on another hand, will also help you add a bit more finesse to the way you communicate with your friends or customers. The SkillsFuture programme has plenty of courses that cover the development of these skills. 


Pursue Your Passion and Turn the World into a Better Place


Maybe there’s a cause that you feel truly passionate about or an activity that you want to do with the belief that you’ll make a lasting positive impact on the lives of others and the world at large. Naturally, you want to do things the right way the first time around. Unfortunately, you might feel that you lack the essential skills to carry out your passion projects, and this is holding you back. If this is true in your case, how about acquiring the said skills through the SkillsFuture programme? If you have a soft spot for animals and you want to make their lives better, you can take a course on dog massage or learn how to safely handle and restrain aggressive animals. There are also courses on how to properly care for the elderly, engage with children who have special needs, and take leadership positions in organisations that matter to you. 



Make the most of your remaining SkillsFuture Credits by taking courses that will have a positive effect on your professional or personal life. Indulge your love for learning and use the credits you have before they expire. Check out your options on the SkillsFuture online portals today.