Tutor Profile

Muhammad Fadhil Bin Muhammad Rizaini (14959)

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  • Views: 128
  • Last updated on 15 May 14
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
East, Central (City), Marina Bay
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have been giving tuition over a year. I have taught 2 kids so far; one in primary and the other in secondary. I teach maths and science for primary and secondary school level and english for primary school. My students has improved by at least 2 grades, A primary 4 kid came to me with a C in Maths and for his EOY exam had an A. I will not stop working and teaching until the student gets his acquired grade. I strongly believe in hardwork and perseverance.
Education [...]
  • Raffles Institution (Junior College) (2010-2011)
    • GP - A
    • Maths - B
  • Victoria School (2006-2009)
    • English - A2
    • E-Maths - A2
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Higher Maths Mathematics 
  • Lower secondary level - Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - E Maths 
Commitment / Other Details
As I am currently waiting for uni in Aug, I am available Mon-Thurs (after school hours until 10pm) and available in the morning during weekends. When uni starts I might only be available at night but tuition timings can be adjusted accordingly and I believe that I would be able to juggle both my studies and students.
Rapport Building
I usually keep a close contact with their parents; update them and keep them in the loop with their kids progress. I try and get down to their level to be able to communicate with my tutees. I give them incentives if they show progress and improvements in their work.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As my mum is a teacher at a primary school, I sometimes help her mark her schoolwork and I frequently check with her about the syllabus so that I am up to speed. Also before every tuition assignment I make it a point to study the topics so that I am better prepared.
As a Good Tutor
As a good tutor, you have to be patient and have a passion to teach. It is imperative that a tutor can explain in simple terms to their tutee in a way that they can understand. We as tutors always have to find ways to keep them engaged and interested in what we are teaching them. We must be able to communicate with them on their level and remember that we shoulder the responsibility of moulding their future. We have to make sure that we bridge the gap so that they can better understand what they are learning in school. Tutors must be able to understand that each kid is different and have their own special and unique traits. It is our job to better utilise this use it as an advantage to essentially get them the grades they dream about.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken