Tutor Profile

Jane Toh Jie Er (16148)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 184
  • Last updated on 15 May 17
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Yishun, North, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan
A' Levels
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
This is my first time signing up as a tutor. I can be a great tutor because I am committed to a student's welfare and studies. I am willing to take the extra mile to find out everything about the question, and also different questions from different sources so that the student gets exposed to many different types of questions.
Education [...]
  • Pioneer Junior College (2013-2014)
    • H1 GP - -
    • H2 Biology - -
    • H2 Chemistry - -
    • H2 Mathematics - -
    • H1 Chinese - A
    • H1 Project Work - A
  • Anderson Secondary School (2009-2012)
    • English - A2
    • E. Math - A1
    • A. Math - B3
    • Biology - A2
    • Chemistry - B3
    • Physics - B3
    • History Elective - B3
    • Chinese - A1
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Chinese English Higher Chinese Mathematics 
  • Lower secondary level - Chinese English Higher Chinese Mathematics 
  • Upper secondary level - Biology E Maths 
  • Music - Violin - Theory (Beginner, Intermediate), Practical (Beginner)
Commitment / Other Details
I am able to start as soon as possible and commit all the way till the student finishes exam, or when they sack me. My timings are flexible, and it does not need to be fixed on a single day and timing every week. Student and I can work out a common timing for the next lesson, depending on our availabilities. Strictly no tuition on sundays.
Rapport Building
I am a well-mannered and friendly person. I am not afraid to approach people whom I do not know and strike a conversation with them. At the same time, I know my limits and is aware of the situation that I'm in. I will update the parents of the student whom I'm teaching about his/her progress every end of the lesson. Also, I will set my expectations of every lesson clearly and let the student knows what I want them to do by the following lesson.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I have friends whose siblings are studying in secondary school, and will ask to take a look at their exam papers and the format of their papers. Also, I will constantly look up at different assessment books sold in bookstores to prepare and expose myself to the many different kinds of questions that will be asked.
As a Good Tutor
There are many standard qualities that a tutor should possess, and I'm sure that everyone would know. Apart from those, I feel that whenever a person determines to be a tutor, he/she has to be responsible for another person's studies. As much as the student dislikes studying and does not cooperate with the tutor, the tutor has to still find ways to teach and make full use of the short 1.5h of lesson. To be love others and put others before self. :)
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken