Tutor Profile

Anvitha Rajaram (25517)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 1021
  • Last updated on 02 Jun 21
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Good
Tuition Areas [...]
Online Tuition, Queenstown, West, South, Bukit Merah, Clementi/West Coast, Jurong East, Jurong West, Buona Vista, Commonwealth, Dover, Harbourfront, Marina Bay, Outram Park, Redhill, Tanjong Pagar, Tiong Bahru
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have tutored secondary school kids and primary school kids
Education [...]
  • Raffles Institution (2018-2019)
    • H2 Maths - A
    • H2 econs - A
    • H2 physics - B
    • H1 Gp - B
    • H2 chem - B
    • H1 hindi - A
  • Crescent girls school (2014-2017)
    • E-maths - A1
    • Physics - A1
    • English - A1
    • Combined Humanities(Geogr - A1
    • A-maths - A2
    • Biology - A2
    • Chemistry - A2
    • Chinese special programme - A2
    • Hindi - A2
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Higher Maths Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - English Geography Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - A Maths Biology Chemistry E Maths English Geography Physics 
  • Junior college level - Chemistry Economics General Paper Maths Physics 
Commitment / Other Details
I am able to hold sessions as long as the tutee requires
Rapport Building
I am usually very friendly and easy going so that parents are able to communicate easily with me.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I just recently graduated, hence I am able to keep up with the curriculum
As a Good Tutor
I am able to give extra materials to ensure more practise for the students
Accept Below Average Rate?
Yes, willing to accept below average rate
Handle Special Needs Children?
Yes, able to handle special needs children
Parent/Student Comments
Anvitha is always very punctual and she sometimes came in early but never late and even though she came in early (10mins) she is not calculative and will end the lesson as agreed time. (Eg: 2pm-3.30pm)
This is my daughter's feedback: Ok, she is always prepared with materials and doesn't go too fast.
Assignments Taken
  • Secondary 5 E Maths tuition - Mar 21
  • Secondary 5 E Maths tuition - Jan 21